Saturday, January 5, 2008

200 trips to Kinkos

I am pleased to announce that after 200 trips to kinkos in the last month, I am now ready to start asking people to help support me in working with Campus Crusade for Christ! Seriously... everyday for the last month was spent in some form or another either: planning, printing, or picking up items from Kinkos. It's pretty bad when every employee knows you by name, after only a few days. I even debated buying Christmas gifts for some of the employees.
I cease to be amazed by all the options there are for printing. I thought you simply pushed the start button and out popped a replicated copy of the page you put in. Oh no... there is a large plethora of options on those copy machines- which i think explains why copy machies are consistenly jammed up. The contraption (formally known as a copy machine) is unable to process all the dynamic opportunities awaiting the paper copy consume
r, thus a jam is created. And then leaves someone like me, scratching their head, pointing, and telling the Kinkos associate the thingamabob is no longer working. The Awe-inspring part of each trip is the fact that you can select from about 8 different paper sizes, 92 types of paper, AND color copies can be yours for the low low price of 49 cents a copy. *special so hurry in soon* However, this too can create a problem: You can become paralized from so many great options that you simply cannot decide what to print your now subpar template upon.
So let this blog commemorate the end of a fantastic one month relationship with the kinko's company, employees, and copy contraptions. But let's not think of this as the end of an era. When one door closes another one opens. I am simply now opening the door to the world wide opportunity of fundraising. Here! Here!


Tracy McPike said...

Hey Sweet Katie,
Loved the "Kinkos" story. Have you asked them to be a Corporate Sponsor yet???? As I frequent Kinkos myself for the boys projects, I would love to know that some of my hard earned money would be sponsoring you on such a great Mission! Love you tons, in His grace, Aunt Tracy

memi said...

Goodluck Miss Kate love you and hope to see you before you leave memi

Anonymous said...

This a really great site. I know you'll do great things for Christ during your time in Paris and afterwards.