Tuesday, August 25, 2009

114 Pages of New Treasures Each Month

I am a sucker for Magazines. I love have always loved them and I fear I always will. How you feel about them; good, bad, or indifferent I enjoy my fair share of magazines. The funny thing is enjoy much more purchasing them in stores than I do receiving them in the mail. However, I do subscribe to a select few because I know that’s cheaper and I will ultimately end up buying it off the stand, being ripped off an additional two dollars with each purchase. My all time joy used to be going to Barnes and Nobles picking off all my favorites, and leisurely reading through all my lil lovies. To pay for my times I would buy a latte or something from the Starbucks to justify my sitting and reading their free publications.

Anyways… today I am going to take you on journey of my all time favorites of magazines to the one that you must go out and purchase today.

It all started with… “Highlights!” Oh yes the childhood joy of sitting in a dentist office finding the hidden treasures, crossword puzzles and all the other fun that could be found inside.

My next love of the pages probably came from the face that was displayed on all of the pages. The one and only JTT (Jonathan Taylor Thomas) my childhood heart throb. I simply couldn’t get enough of him and he was plastered all over my walls courtesy of the pages “Teen Beet.”

In Jr. High and High School, I somehow subscribed to “17 Magazine.” I am pretty sure my mom did so for me. But after the first magazine arrived in the mail the subscription was discontinued and replaced by the Christian version “Brio.”

Somewhere along the way I feel in love with “SELF” magazine and have yet ceased my subscription. Oddly enough it took a year for the subscription to arrive but then has never stopped. I do not re-new it and I certainly will not question the free gift that arrives each month.

“Glamour” is my favorite go to girly magazine. I love all the cute fashion accessories and the “hey it’s okay” section of this magazine. I chose this fun cover because it’s in French!

When I travel I always go to the magazine store and collect for my flights. However- I endlessly end up purchasing an “Economist” or “Time” magazine so that the passenger next to me doesn’t think I am only superficial and reading “SELF” and “Glamour” I have to show them I have some depth you know. Because I care oh so much about what the person I will sit next to for 4 hours of my life thinks about me.

For the wanabe domestic girl inside of me, “Real Simple” is my guide. I love paging through this magazine and would usually do it at my friend Ash’s apartment. Many of my party ideas come from here and I dream of my home someday being as neat and orderly as this magazine but know that will NEVER actually happen. It is so not my style no matter how much I wish it was.

Alas- last night I found this magazine and thought, “Where have you been all my life?!” It is a cooking magazine and every single recipe inside looked and sounded amazing. There were wonderful tips in the Prep School section that broke down more complicated steps of some of the inside recipes and lots of pictures showing how in the ideal world of cooking (which mine never do) the food would be presented. Seriously this magazine was amazing. I don’t even think you would have to like cooking to enjoy this magazine- just the pictures of the meals were so mouth watering and satisfying that it made it all worth it. Plus… it’s called “Bon Appetit” which is totally befitting of my time here in France.

Hope you enjoyed my list in the wonderful world of monthly publication spending. It’s quite long I know… but I am a sucker for them. Thankfully my budget has gone down drastically on buying magazines here in France. My good reason for this is that here in France, an English magazine usually costs about 10 dollars (or more) and that is MUCH too much to spend on a fun simple pleasure. My mama is kind and when she sends me my care packages, she sends along my “SELF” magazine that still gets delivered to the house. I enjoy sitting down on my couch and flipping each page, always reading from the back to the front- and relishing in the excitement of flipping to each new and exciting page.


Brigitte said...

OOOOH MAN I am not joking when I say that Teen Beat was my absolute favorite when I was a teen as well. I, too had JTT plastered all over my walls and literally remember that issue of the picture that you posted.

Oh memories... :)

ashly said...

this magazine was created (i think but pretty sure) by the lovely company who provided meals for us at the Caf. Everyone always told me their catering Bon Apetite was ridiculously good!

Summer said...

I love magazines too....but now with two kids, they just pile up.

I miss the days of a good magazine session. =)

nikirae18 said...

That teen beat mag made me crack up! i used to be obsest with JTT and have all his posters on the wall and nat had posters of andrew keagen everywhere! Going into my nieces room this weekend made me remember that too...except these days its all about hannah montana, and jonas bros :)miss you my friend!

Tania @ Larger Family Life said...

Lol @ Teen Beat!