Monday, August 31, 2009

Musee de Picasso

Being in a city filled with art, I should take advantage, become more cultured and visit the exhibits. Yet, I don’t do this often. Actually, I only do it when people come to visit. However, this weekend I decided I would go to the Picasso Museum and became very excited about the prospect. Here's how it all went down:

I drove into Paris.

Parked my car.

Walked three miles. (by choice, there are shorter routes)
Arrived at the Picasso Museum.

Pressed the intercom button.

Me: “Overez la porte s’il vous plait.” (Open the door please)

The all powerful Oz: “le musee est ferme” (Museum Closed)
(Other tourists standing outside around me looking confused as well with their guide books in hand.)

Me: Quoi? Ou est que le musee de Picasso (What? Where is the Picasso Museum)

The all powerful Oz: “Le Musee est ferme pour deux ans.” (The museum is closed for two years.)

The group of us standing outside the forbidden doors looked around in wonderment of how we missed the memo that Picasso is a no go.

I now pass along the knowledge to all of you. Should you find yourself in Paris, save yourself the journey of finding the Picasso Museum, because it is closed for the next two years. The saddest part of all is that apparently it closed on the 23rd, a mere week before I decided to show up. Should you show up, right around the corner is a cute park and a very friendly café to sit and enjoy the rest of your day.


Claudya Martinez said...

That sucks! I can't believe it was closed.

I work at a museum and I still don't go to museums as often as I should.

Tony and Beth said...

You're not missing much. We went to the Picasso Museum last year and weren't too impressed. The best Picasso Museum in the world is in Spain.