Friday, April 16, 2010

Big World- Small Circles

Last week in Cyprus I met this guy Matt. Matt is serving with my company in Azerbaijan.

In 2000-2002 Matt lived in San Diego. The place where I grew up and come from.

Then from Sept 2002-Fall 2005 Matt was attended my same university for the exact same time I was there. Matt also attended the same church I went to 40 minutes away from campus. After comparing class schedules we most likely had a class together at one point and time.

My university was quite small. About 5,000 people. My company is quite large and very international. So it is strange to me that on our small campus or at church I never met Matt. But while I live in France and he lives in Azerbaijan, we met one morning in Cyprus over a bowl of yougurt and a plate of eggs.

I love when your path crosses with someone you may have once before walked right beside or really have the whole time, and didn't even know it. It is a big big world, with lots of small circles that keep us all intertwined.


Unknown said...

True that Missy....

Anonymous said...

interesting. it is a small world afterall.

Cici said...

So true..Im irish but a few months ago met a guy (the same,just by chance) in Sydney who used to live for 15 years 1 street across from my house (he still has family there)...11,000 miles from did we cross paths?! love it the world is so big and so small :)

erica said...

I once interned in NYC for a summer. I had a roommate (I cant even remember her name, it was so long ago) Well, about 10 years later.. well after my internship, I ran into her while visiting friends in NYC. We were on the same subway car, of all places!

nikirae18 said...

Things happen for a reason...Carpe Diem! :) miss you my friend!