Monday, November 23, 2009

My Small Double Life

Living here or I should say working here I have two lives. The first I call my normal persons life. I live in France, I wake up in France, go to work in France, come home still in France. Then Repeat.

Then there are my out of the country work days which equals, leaving in a hotel for on average two weeks. During this life I am working from the moment I wake up (and requires me to wake up earlier than normal by a minimum of two hours) till the moment I make it to my room to passout. Then repeat for a hectic 14 days.

When I am not in my office and in another land for work- I am generally working a conference. Working conferences there are so many details that require attention and immediate to dos, that you never get to just sit back and be done. Granted there are secessions that do not require your attendance per say- but really… you do have to be present, just in case something comes up and you must run to get another thing done.

In all honesty, I love the conference itself much more than the preplanning of the conference work. It’s much more interactive, on your feet, and interesting to be a part of. But at the end of it- I.Am. Exhausted. This is not me complaining. Trust me. I am simply stating the fact. But, I love the fast pace, looking back realizing it’s all a blur, and the “ I can’t believe we just pulled that off” feeling.

I am saying this for those whom I have received the, “Are you okay? Why are you M.I.A?” messages from in the absence of me posting a blog. I have not posted, not because I have deserted this page of mine. But because my fingers have not had the time to the type words, that my brain has not even had the time to think about writing in the first place. I will not desert the blog, that I promise. It is one of the small pieces of sanity I keep with me here- far far away from that place in Sunny San Diego, I call home.

Oh and for those who asked- thanks for missing me. I love and miss you too!

1 comment:

Ana Laura E said...

Good luck with work! and please keep on writing your amazing posts about your life in France