Saturday, December 19, 2009

Being Intentional

You know that person, the one you don't really know, but you do...

You know their face, their smile, and know about them because your friends know them. You know conversations that others thought were funny, you know projects they have been a part of, and you know that they are a really cool person, one that when you are around, you like to take the opportunity to get to know. But until then you are content in knowing you “know” them.

You can pass them and do the quick greet hello and when you see them interacting with people, you can see that everyone genuinely enjoys being around them. But life is busy- and so you personally don’t ever get to know them the way you like. You may think of them occasionally but they are more of a reference point to when someone else speaks of them. But they are always spoken of in a positive way.

My heart broke today when I found out that one of these people that I don’t know, but do know, died this week. It’s impossible to imagine someone who I always watched from afar, who was always so filled with life, is no longer alive. I have spent the last few hours reading sweet memories attributed to him, and my heart breaks for those I do know, who fully knew him. For those whose stories I have heard, for those who I watched laugh and love and live in his presence, and for those who were close to someone so passionate and amazing.

After going through, reading stories, and browsing pictures posted in his memory- I know that many people are both mourning and rejoicing. Mourning for their personal loss but rejoice knowing He is in heaven with his Father. All people attested of the faith Justin had in his life, but weep knowing someone so authentic is no longer in their life.

One of the things I have thought has been severely over-reacted to this year, was the swine flu. Every time I travel it becomes an issue and I think, “It’s the flu, what damage could it possibly do?” My friend had a play and everyone who attended had to wear a face mask. I laughed and thought it was ridiculous. We were joking about that just last night.

I have known 5 people to catch the swine flu- all perfectly fine. But all it takes is one. And number 6, was not fine. One of his friends wrote this, “Justin Key died on Monday, early in the morning, in one of the most boring ways possible - he got the flu. This may not seem remarkable if you have never met the guy, but for those of us who know him, this too seems nearly impossible to believe... Justin did everything with a twist.”

I honestly am not sure if my mind can comprehend that he died of the swine flu. Almost like it’s not really true. Simply from what I knew of Justin to be true, I could know that the flu- is just the most improbable way for him to finish his race. He ran passionately, strongly, intelligently, and joyfully.

Justin was my age. We graduated from the same University and the same year. We shared friends. For four year I saw him on campus, in the dorms, library, the café. And after graduation, I never saw him again.

I have spent these last few weeks with friends, thinking of what was ahead in life, where I was now, and where I wanted to go from here. I am sure these are the same conversations Justin has been having with his friends. As it seems to be conversations many people in this stage in life are pondering. Yet with Justin, it seems prematurely aborted. How does someone go from being at the top of their platform of potential, and ready to soar, to being finished with this end of life. I am not sure I get it. And I am not sure if I am supposed to.

What I do know, is Justin must have been amazing. Because even as someone who wasn’t super close, But who knew his stories, his face, smile, and shared memories. I too am heartbroken.

May I live a life as purposeful, bountiful, faithful, joyful and meaningful as the one I saw lived through Justin.


ashly said...

not to make light of your blog, but when i first started reading i thought you were talking about Brittney Murphey

Brigitte said...

I love you Katie! You are amazing and you have the biggest heart!

and p.s. Ashly - not to make light of the blog either but I couldn't help but laugh when I read that "Britney Murphey" comment. You my dear are adorable!