Thursday, October 22, 2009

This One's for the Moms

The past few days I have been given the insight to a whole new type of life. If I thought moving to a foreign country was a lot of work and change in pace of life; then thank goodness I am not a full time working…


This week I have been subbing in as parents to a 10 yr old boy and a 14 yr old girl while their parents are out of town for the week. Thus the parental baton of responsibilities has been passed down to Moi.

And she’s off and tumbling running.

The two chillins I am watching could not be any easier or better. They pretty much take care of themselves- to the point that they even wake themselves up for school and get ready. Rather than me having to wake up before them and ensure they are getting up and ready to get out of the door on-time. It’s actually more like the other way around. I am pretty sure they are both up a good 30 minutes before I decide to roll out of bed. I wonder if I could train them to start a pot of coffee for me?

What surprised me the most consumption of time is the actual driving around from point A -> B -> C back to A -> D then from D -> home, takes. Both kids start school at the same time 8:00 a.m. To get to school it takes about twenty minutes of driving in the dark to get them to school. The sun has now decided it will not rise until about 8:30 a.m. After dropping them off at school, I either scoot off to my French class or trek 40 minutes to work, and then work a full day, until it’s time to take the kids back from their respective education centers.

Every day except for today the kids have both gotten out of school at two separate times. Some days one kid has a short day, while the other has no school at all. Or there is an hour between child one and child two and the time they each need to be picked up. My favorite is apparently days a teacher calls in sick, class is canceled! Um… Excuse me? Seriously??? I didn’t get the luxury of canceled classes due to a teacher’s no show until college; these kids get to start in junior high. No class for them = Bonus pick and retrieve drive for moi.

Today while waiting outside of the elementary school to pick up the kids, I was waiting in line with the rest of the too lazy to get out of the car parents, when I hear a click click clack. I look up and see a massive horse. My heart stops. Could it be? My night and shining armor coming to wisk me off on his horse here while I wait in the middle of Fountainblu to pick up someone else’s kids? Wow! It really does happen when you least expect it!

Nope! It was the policia! Yes, the police on a horse. I have been officially scorned in French by an officer on a horse. Apparently they don’t like you parking in the middle of these small streets while waiting to pick up your kids and wanted the line to move forward. Nothing speeds up traffic in front of a school then following the lead of a horse on a one way street.

After the retrieval of the kids and doing whatever they each do after school- like any soccer mom I head back to their home and prepare dinner. (which is simmering as I find the time to type this out) By 8:00 each night I am wiped out. How do real mom’s do it? I get to joke around with the kids, not overshadow their homework. Most dinners are easy and pretty much pre-prepared. The kids are self sufficient and I am still exhausted.

Just when I finally started getting the hang out taking care of myself, I was handed two adolescences to be responsible for too! Shiesh.


Tracy McPike said...

Katie Katie are very fortunate they don't have baseball or soccer etc. practice on two different sides of town after school...that would mean more driving from A > B > home to start dinner then back to pick up at A > B...I'm exhausted just thinking of my day afterwork today!! But I LOVE it and will miss it terribly when they're grown! Love & Kisses, Aunt Tracy :>) ps: Glad you're back!!!

Unknown said...

Yea Katie, being a Mom is quite the job... People don't get how hard it can be. That's why they call it the "thankless job". But it can be fun at times. Just buzy and hard. Wait till you have some of your own. You'll LOVE it and HATE it. Love ya, Miss ya... Aunt Debbie