Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Faux Pas 1: cause I am sure more are to come...

The more I learn French, the more I learn I know nothing at all.

Example # 1

The other day I took two girls to a restaurant and attempted to order water.

Me: Carafe Du L’eau S’il vous plait (Craft of water please)

Server: Petit or grand

Me: Grand

The server then returns with three large coffee’s. Clearly a mis-understanding I try to explain that’s not what we wanted, we only wanted water- The server then cleared all the coffees from in front of us, only to return five minutes later with 3 large cups of hot water for tea.

I gave up.

Example number 2:

Sitting on the Metro the other day I saw a Lady wearing really cute shoes. In attempt to practice my French I turn to the lady to compliment her shoes:

Me: “J’aime vous Cuisses”

Lady- gasp and an awkward look of horror comes across her face

Me: “Je suis desolee “ (I am sorry), uh uh uh pointing down to her shoes, “Vous Chaussures”

Lady: Get’s up and moves down the metro

Me: Immediacy get off the next stop to avoid further embarrassment.

In an attempt to compliment the lady’s shoes, I accidently mispronounced the word for shoe and told the lady: “I like your thighs.”


Shane said...


Unknown said...

SOL (shrieking out loud)
I would love for someone to compliment my thighs! You are delightful.

ashly said...

kali and i were just talking about your French last night. i remembered we talked about how you knew more than you realized...i guess i was wrong! i love you even when cant speak french...let alone english!

Musings of the Mrs. said...

Oh No! I like your thighs??? Oops!

nikirae18 said...

omg that is totally something i would do!!!!!!! always a laugh in each blog..i love it!! I dont even attempt spanish bc of that fear..esp in the field of work i am in..only I would stay something to make the situation even worse..haha!