Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Flip the Switch

Last Tuesday complete devastation hit my apartment… My internet service went out!


I called my service company and they told me someone would come next Tuesday to fix the problem.

Tuesday came – I waited at my apartment for someone to come as I was instructed. No one did. But! I did receive a phone call from a technician informing me that the internet was reactivated. As instantly that my internet went out- it was now turned back on, a week later.

The best person to describe this entire situation is Brian Regan. This sketch fully describes my disconnected phone and internet situation.


The Whites said...

always a bummer when the internet service is out.

enjoyed reading your blog. visiting from SITS.

Night Owl Mama said...

LOL that is hysterical HE'S really funny! never saw him before. I so know what your going through. I was out of phone, internet and cable for 10 days from Christmas eve to well after New yrs. I was LIVID. took 15 phone calls and 7 technicians, and 4 managers to get my service on. I received 1 month of free service. was I happy NOT!!
stoppin in from the SITS to say HELLO

JennyMac said...

haha. I know that feeling. My blackberry had to be reset yesterday and I behaved as if my limb was removed.