Friday, August 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Nicole

It's seems as though I have missed another one... I always seem to be M.I.A. on this day. But for you today my friend, I have a list of things I miss doing with you!

- Learning to play the flute in Junior High
- Football games and going to Prom.
- Visiting you at Cinema star and going to the movies for free
- Going off to two separate colleges but through the experience it is what made our friends even stronger. It was nice having you as the only one from home who could understand.
- I helped rescue you at Margarita Rocks (and Denny's) and you are what kept me sane in Margarita Ville.
- You sending me care packages when I lived in D.C.
- The way that you are easily embarrassed and not afraid of who you are.
- How nervous you get- and the way your react.
- Your high expectations of life and the care you put into everything you do.
- Having you yell at the tickets lady for sneaking in food and drinks into the theatres.
- Watching you get pushed into the water at the beach and storm off- I thought you would never talk to us again. haha
- Our first real jobs and meeting down the street for lunch.
- Catching the bouquet at your wedding.

It's amazing how much has happened over the years, and that no matter how far apart, I treasure our friendship that only seems to grow stronger with time. You have so much strength, Courage, and love within you, I am sorry I am not there to celebrate...


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Nicole!
Katie's mom :)

Anonymous said...

Over from SITS and what an awesome post! So glad to have come across your spot today. Now gonna call my BFF!

nikirae18 said...

I love you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much friend! I hadnt been on your blog in about a week and usually think to go on when im thinking about you or need a cheer up or laugh and surprise..a blog all for me! Love you my kt and all those memories..good and bad all were great to rememnice about! love you friend..hurry home!