Thursday, March 12, 2009

Baby Couture

I have my first French social event this weekend and I am very excited. I am going to a baby shower of someone I have yet to have met. But I was invited by the a girl who is throwing the party. I am not in the position to decline thus I will be crashing this Mother To Be's (MTB)baby shower.

In excitement of attending the baby shower of someone I don't know, I thought it would be best to ensure I showed up to the shower with cute outfits to lavish upon the new mother to be.

I went to the baby store and I had a reaction I did not quite think was possible in a baby store. I started to become angry. Yes- Angry. Is it possible to become angry in a baby store you might ask? I can now tell you- yes.

The prices of this store were insane! I think Baby's-R-Us can run high in price but that is nothing compared to the break your bank for a stroller type of store this was. And the thing was... it wasn't even that cute.

It would be the simple things that were just insanely priced. For example, A bib. Yes one bib would cost you 10 Euros. That would be equivalent to like 12 U.S. dollars. While scavenging the store looking for something to buy, I heard a baby crying and thought, "this baby is crying because he realizes his college education is going to be spent on a single bottle."

I did see a few cute outfits and even thought of getting something for my friend Nicole's baby Madison. Then I looked at the price tag and realized I didn't have an extra 50 euros to spend on an outfit to be worn once or twice before Madison would outgrown the outfit, if she didn't out grow it by the time it shipped to the U.S.
The outfit pictured below- yes it is cute but it is not 30 Euros cute!

The last baby shower I attended I bought the MTB a bouncing seat with cute pink flowers she registered for at Babys-R-US. This cost me about 30 dollars. My friend Tiffany bought at this store, called Aubert, and it cost her 80 Euros! That is just craziness. The sad part for Tiffany is, she found out the MTB already has the bouncer and when trying to return the seat with reciept in hand- they only give store credit!

What made me so sad, is I went into this store with the intentions of buying fun things for a mother whom I had yet to meet. And I left feeling lame that I could only buy one outfit. I know's it's the thought that counts but seriously... have you ever given someone, one Onesie?

One Onesie- 18 Euros
One Baby bouncer- 80 Euros
One child music box- 40 Euros
Shoping for baby stuff in the U.S= PRICELESS!


Anonymous said...

Katie OMG I am such a blonde - I just now realized that I can comment on your blogs! I am sooo freaking excited about this because I check every day for a new story of your adventure!

Oh and p.s. that is absolutely ridiculous pricing for baby clothes - don't feel bad for one second that you only got 1 onsie! That's more than I would have gotten ha ha!

Nicole said...

friend! your so cute! I love your blogs and pictures..dont worry about Maddie..she will be just fine in her Carter outfits..dont need the courture..HAHA! love you! and thanks for thinking of us:)